Lab Staff: Review the Working Alone in Laboratories Policy

January 6, 2023

The Working Alone in Laboratories Policy was recently approved by the Office of the Provost and the University Policy Review Committee.

This policy establishes standards to mitigate the risks of working alone during non-standard hours when researchers may be unable to call for emergency assistance and emergency response may be delayed. (Non-standard hours are considered outside of the typical Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-5:00 pm time frame and include university holidays and recess periods.)

This policy:

  • Establishes university-wide standards for working alone in laboratories;
  • Authorizes and encourages all principal investigators to set their own more restrictive protocols for those working alone in their laboratory; and
  • Establishes roles and responsibilities for the requirements set forth in this policy.

The policy applies to all individuals performing research activities in a laboratory at Yale University.

If you have any questions, please contact Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) at or 203-785-3550.

Thank you for your cooperation and support in keeping Yale’s lab community safe.