Noise and Hearing Conservation

Safety measures have been designed to prevent hearing loss from occupational noise exposures, following the requirements set by OSHA’s Hearing Conservation Standard, as well as by following the recommendations of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). See the Noise and Hearing Conservation Program for more information.

Scheduling OSHA Hearing Test appointments at Yale Hearing & Balance
For anyone enrolled in Yale’s Noise and Hearing Conservation Program, the annual OSHA Hearing Test is free. Since moving to the Call Center, appointments are initiated by calling 203-785-5430.  Employees will then provide information to the Call Center, allowing them to be registered in Epic. Be sure to specify that you need an OSHA Hearing Test. OSHA Hearing Screenings are scheduled in 15-minute intervals and can be coordinated through hearing aid support via the phone number above or through Epic.


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