After a Principal Investigator has received approval to purchase radioactive material, orders may be placed using the Yale Procurement department’s online ordering program called SciQuest. Phone orders may also be placed by calling Radiation Safety Purchasing at 203-737-2118. All orders for radioactive material must be placed with Radiation Safety or using Yale’s SciQuest purchasing system. Do not place orders for radioactive materials directly through the Yale Purchasing Department.
All orders must be approved by Radiation Safety prior to processing. This includes all radioactive material orders placed through SciQuest. SciQuest automatically routes radioactive material orders through Radiation Safety for approval. Orders are most commonly placed with Amersham Inc. (GE Healthcare), Dupont NEN (Perkin Elmer) and ICN Corp. (M+P Biomedical), but can be ordered through any vendor. Many items are shipped from these companies the same day they are ordered and will be delivered by EHS to your lab on the following day.
Please call 737-2118 with any questions related to the purchase of radioactive materials.