Empty containers that previously held an acute hazardous waste chemical require special handling. For these materials, the container is considered empty if it has been triple-rinsed using a suitable solvent and all of the rinsate has been collected for disposal as hazardous waste. If the container is not first cleaned as stated above, it is hazardous waste and must be disposed as such.
Empty containers that did not previously hold an acute hazardous waste chemical, but previously held a chemical prohibited from drain disposal by the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protections (Appendix F of the Management of Hazardous Waste Procedure) shall be sufficiently rinsed with water to remove any residue and the rinsate collected for disposal as hazardous waste. After rinsing the container, the label must be defaced by either removing it, spray painting over it, or covering it with a bold marker, and the container placed into the normal trash.
Other empty containers shall be sufficiently rinsed with water to remove any residue, the rinsate drain disposed, the labels defaced, and placed into the normal trash.
Normal trash glass bottles shall be placed in a plastic bag and put into any cardboard box. The box shall be sealed and the words “Broken Glass” written on the top. It can then be placed with your normal trash for removal by custodial services.