- State of CT Department of Public Health Inspection Help Guides
- CDC Inspection Checklists
- General Laboratory Self-Assessment Checklist (Yale)
The EHS Biosafety team created a series of documents and help guides for laboratories preparing for a lab inspection by the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health. The State utilizes the CDC/NIH Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 6th Edition as its requirement for conformity when conducting inspections. This document, along with the NIH Guidelines, are the principal requirements for all labs, and are used by Yale EHS on its annual inspection of your labs.
Help Guides from Yale and our colleagues are provided to help you prepare for your annual biosafety lab inspection. There are also help documents to assist with preparation for the biennial State of Connecticut Department of Public Health human pathogen research registration and federal USDA and CDC permit inspections of your lab.
Use the documents below to help prepare for your Yale EHS and other regulatory inspections and ask your safety advisor if you have any questions with any item on a checklist.
State of CT DepArtment of Public Health Inspection Help Guides
- Professor Gary Rudnick’s State of CT DPH Lab Inspection
- Self-Service Preparation Guide for Lab Room Inspections by CT DPH
- Biosafety Level 1/Biosafety Level 2 Self-Inspection Checklist (Yale)
- USDA Related Permits Inspection Preparation Document (Plant, Animal, Soil)
CDC Inspection Checklists
The CDC has created a compilation of various laboratory inspection checklists based on the CDC/NIH Biosafety in Microbiological Laboratories, the NIH Guidelines, and federal regulations. Over 20 checklists for laboratories, animal facilities, arthropod containment labs, toxins, and components of their select agent regulation can be accessed on the Preparing for Inspection webpage. Also see the CDC’s Import Permit Program Inspection Checklists.